This splendid garment will tell the world what a refined taste in hilarious comic-strips you have and you will be the centre of attention at any party! Not only that, but the azure blue greatly enhances the good looks of all those fortunate enough to wear it.
Check out this dude!

This snazzy piece will set you back the very small price of £12 + £2 postage.
Available in the children sizes YS (i.e.Young Small), YM, YL and the adult sizes S, M, L, XL.
We only have a limited supply at the moment and delivery will be anything upto 3 weeks depending on stock levels, so get those orders in fast!
Payment can be by cheque or postal order. Please make payable to:
Gary Northfield.
Address all orders to:
Gary Northfield
5 Cromwell Road
(Hopefully, once I've figured it out, I'll also be able to take PayPal payments, but that won't be for a little while yet.)
And of course, don't forget to rush out and buy this week's Beano, my greatest story EVER is in there! Really, it's brilliant.
Big thanks to Thomas Fry and his mum Rebecca Fry for delivering a such fantastic photo!
Ere Derek who's this Northfield Geezer who seems to be taking all your money. You want me an Vinny go round and duff him up a little so you can get what's rightfully yours. We wont leave any marks. Failing that put your foot (sorry hoof) down and demand a cut. I mean without you that loser would have nothing.
I...must....have....one!!! *drools* Ahem, sorry 'bout that. It looks awesome! So how do I go about ordering? Just write to the address saying something like; "Hello. I would like to place an order for a derek t-shirt size xx and please find payment enclosed." I....must...oops. There I go again. I suppose you'll need our addresses too right? Could come in handy for posting the t-shirts.
Yep, this Gary geezer says I get a bale of hay for every t shirt sold, which sounds good to me!
Just write to that address and Gary will sort it all out for you no problem. He's a lovely bloke I must say. I hope he doesn't turn into a goblin like Harold. That would be very upsetting.
As I said that T-shirt misses a flippin ghost fish on it! But as I'm a ghost maybe I'm on it and you can't see me. That's what Cecil told me earlier but he may have been lying. If he is I want my DVD of Bruce's Price is Right back.
Just say the word, Derek, and I'll decorate Gary's car for him. Sounds like you're being ripped off - put your hoof down and demand a sherbet fountain as well.
Do they fit pigeon chests?
Thats it! I'm gonna write my letter/order right now!
Good chap! You'll impress all your friends, I'm certain!!
I'm gonna show it off to all my animation buddies as soon as I get it! :D
Me again! My cheque is in the post!
Howdy. That's a picture of Lenny when he had a pair of horns in a story from a couple of months ago. I don't know why it's up there though! Who wants to look at his ugly mug when you can look at mine!! :)
Hey Gary have you got a DeviantART? :D
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