Sheldon Goodman (owner of Gertie the fish) has drawn this splendid picture of me losing in a "drink a pint of cola" battle with blog regulars Gertie and Fat Tony. I say splendid, but obviously it's a bit gross, but brilliantly drawn! And coloured!

I would print it out and put it on my wall, but it's a picture of snot flying out of my nostrils and i wouldn't want to frighten my granny.
All I have to say is Oh My WOW!!! That's one heck of a fantastic picture! Well done! Heehee, lots of !s
He's smashin' isn't he, my owner!! Good thing he captured the moment, though seeing Cecil literally wet himself with laughter then have Derek angrily chase him round the field eventually had me and Tony in stitches. But that snot....eurgh, Derek, wish you'd blow your nose more often, especially with guests!!
TOP PICTURE, Sheldon! You've perfectly captured my air of je ne sais qua.
I theenk you must mean je ne sais QUOI
Naw, I'm only a pigeon. I meant je ne sais quack, actually.
EW!!! URGH!!! GROSS!!! YUK!!! and so forth.
Check out the singing sheep at !
Nice one, Sheldon!
P.S Funky sheep, man.
Aw y'all makin me blush!! Gertie, there's something floating in your fish bowl and it isn't fish food. CLEAN IT NOW!!
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