Of course I'm the best at conkers in the entire world and I was interviewed on local TV once for being so great.
In fact I still have the same conker from all those years ago and it's called Big Bertha, after my Auntie Bertha who sort of looked like a conker actually. It's never let me down and I've smashed up a total of 92 conkers, 28 acorns, 16 old baked beans and some eggs.
I am the Champ!!!
So bring it on!

Bert Worm admires "Big Bertha".
Can I scoff the worm? you can keep the smelly conker.
I was never very good at conkers...
Why use conkers when I can hurt people with my fins?
You can't eat Bert!! He's part of the family!
Eat Lenny, he smells.
Poor Lenny. At least there's no chance of him getting squished.
I heard conkers are supposed to ward off spiders.
Can I just point out that worms ARE at the bottom of the food chain? Even those part of the family.
But where Lenny fits in the Chain of Being is anyone's guess.
I think you'll find that PLANTS are at the bottom of the food chain. Smarty pigeon.
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