Me and Bob have finally finished writing our letter to "New Scientist" telling them of the impending doom from the big Spider Planet we've discovered. You won't believe how long we took to write the flippin thing! Bob is such a fusspot and kept changing the words all the time and getting on my nerves. As it is it's like a blummin' novel about someone's life story. I've never written something so long-winded, my wrists hurt!
Let's hope they realise that we're not being stupid and take us seriously. The whole world's survival depends on them reading this.
Hopefully we'll win a year's subscription.

String vest theory? Is this to do with the quantum tunnelling of socks through the laundry basket?
grammar ray bursts must be why spellcheckers come up with really stupid suggestions for proper Engerlish like wot I it's happening agen...
P.S. that spider planet looks really scary. I hope the spiders aren't as big as the one that lurks in our playroom
You write well...for someone with hooves!
crikey this leaked to the press quickly. it says 'new planet discovered' on teletext - no mention of Bob and Derek though. meanies.
I was reading that book "You are what you eat" (I'm just a big bag of grass apparently) and I'm going to write a new one called "You is wot you wrote". It will be a far fairer assessment of society today I reckon.
Yeah, that's the one, except like I say, through our telescope it's spider-shaped. Apparently Bob Chicken emailed the BBC with our evidence without telling me. So we're not friends at the moment.
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