An absolute loony cracker of a story this month, with a tree pixie, ants in perms and the return of Bernard the goat! You'll laugh yer pants off. Lenny did.

A big thank you too to all my loyal fans who have apparently been voting for me in the latest readers poll in the Beano even though my name wasn't listed!!! How cool is that? You're all stars. in fact the Ed. was so chuffed (and he thinks my adventures are so hilarious), that there maybe changes afoot. Watch this space...
In other news, the bloke who signs his name at the bottom of each of my brilliant stories, Gary Northfield, will be putting in an appearance at the Comic Expo in Brighton on November the 19th and 20th. So if you're about then toddle along to say hello and get your free Derek the Sheep sketch! There are vague plans for Derek goodies to sell, so watch this website for further updates.
Happy days!
It was a fANTastic story.
But you need to watch out for that Gary Northfield chap stealing your thunder, Derek. Maybe you need an agent...
Great story. I don't know if I'll be able to go to Brighton. I could hitch a lift on the back of a scooter, though.
Don't let all this success do to your head Del! Well done anyway. Maybe you'll be on the cover!!
I think me and my owner are going to that Comic thing in Brighton. Wheee!
Yeah, I would have laughed my pants off but being a cat, I don't really wear clothes. Although Ginger now does. Ever since he returned from his little trip to Duckshire, he's never been seen out of his ninja outfit. Well, it's actually his pajamas but he gets really cross if we mention this to him.
No fair about the brighton thing! I'm gonna be in Wrexham as of next sunday (18th) for the next 3 years roughly! Have fun :)
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