Here's a panel to remind you of a brilliant hilarious moment...

There are some lovely funny moments in there, so do rush out and buy it if you get a chance.
My other workload has also included working on a book collection of my early strips for Bloomsbury!!!
Yep! all the rumours are true! As many of my hardcore readers know, the especially lovely people at Bloomsbury think I'm really handsome and witty and that I deserve an even greater audience than the one I already have. They have a deep love of sheep too, so it really is home from home.
Here's a list of the stories to be included:
1. The Grass Is Always Greener
2. Field Of Dreams
3. Getting The Wind Up
4. Flies
5. It's An Ill Wind
6. He's Got The Power
7. One For The Pot
8. Let's Bee Friends
9. No Business Like Snow Business
10. Bad Hair Day
11. The Bells Are Ringing
12. Lame Excuse
13. Having A Ball
I think the only stories from that first year that aren't included are; the one with frisbee (my second appearance) and the Christmas Nativity story.
It should be 59 pages of extreme hilarity for the whole family to cherish for years to come. that's what Lenny says anyway.
Hopefully it will sell by the bucketload and I can then bring out another book with all my other stories in!!
Well, I can dream....
for some reason, the colouring looked different in that story. i dont know how, but i think it did.
Well spotted. I've got myself a new colourist! Her name's Ruth and she can normally be spotted colouring Nigel (Dennis the Menace) Parkinson's work.
ah...that'll be why then. very nice it is too.
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