Is it me, or is my story this week my best EVER?? Even better than that one with the robot arm or perhaps the one where I grew long hair? I'll let you decide. There's even a proper joke in there too! Can you believe it? An actual GAG!!! It's hilarious. Lenny coughed on his jelly tots when he read it, that's how brilliant it is. Even the pun at the end is quite good this time. Shocking.
Here's a brilliant scene where I get bitten by a crab!

What comedy! Check out that gorgeous colouring too! I think michaelangelo must've done it or something as it's mindblowing.
There's even an 'omage to Hiroshige in there, that's how cutting edge my strips are.
So rush out and buy it now!!! Yippee!!!
P.S. Careful when you try and vote for me over at the Beano online poll - it's for the one you HATE!!! so you don't want to vote for me whatsoever. vote for Dennis, cos they'll never kick him out whatever happens.
Oh yeah, and if you really love me and you're in Birmingham this Saturday, go to the comic fair and a certain Mr Northfield will be there and he'll draw a lovely picture for you COMPLETEY FREE!!!!
rowntrees tots, please yourself
4 to choose from along the shelf,
jelly tots, so sparkly sweet,
made by rowntrees for tots to eat...OK I'll go and lie down now.
Are you feeling ok Tony?
I still need to buy this weeks Beano! I was busy with uni stuff and I, I, I...... forgot!
that was one of the best stories yet. keep up the good work, derek!
mum...can we go to birmingham... oh wots the use? it'll be finishing now.
I am feeling all right. I just had a jellytots advert moment, that's all. I have a head stuffed full of rubbish like advert jingles but no room for important things like where I've left the key for my secret stash of Fry's turkish delight.
Good job I got a Beano on Saturday. It'll be time for this weeks soon.
A homage to Hiroshige, eh? Cool!
Er...what's a Hiroshige?
Iconic Japanese artist, Paws-san.
He's great. Lovin' them woodblock print thingies.
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