most of 'em only grew to the size of eggs or small eyeballs, but this one is the size of a HOUSE!!!
don't ask me how though. Lenny said we used very special manure, something about bee poo. Do bees poo? I've never seen one I must say. I'll ask Cecil when I see him, I'm sure he'll be pleased to pass on his knowledge.
That's got to take alot of bee poo though if you ask me. Must be eating a lot of roughage them bees. How do you spell "roughage"??? That don't look right at all.
Anyway, I reckon we'll be millionaires if they all grow to that size! We would dominate the world market in turnips. We'd have turnip soup, turnip sauce, turnip pudding, turnip pie, turnip sandwiches, er... turnip soup. The possibilities are endless!
No one could ever grow turnips like us!! No one!!
Unless they have bee poo too I guess.
That's a turn-up for the books! Geddit?
You'll have to watchout in case that giant bunny hears about it though...
No dear they like CARROTS. Hmm may try to grow some Turnips this year in my Veggie Patch.
I grew a red turnip in Stuville a couple of weeks back. I sold it for 5,000 Bells!(local currency) That's a fair amount of Bells for a turnip.
If it's the size of a house, you could carve it out and live in it. Or give it wheels and have a caravan. Fun :)
Turnips are icky :P
Derek, how can it be as big as a house if it's the same size as you? Either you're telling lies or you've eaten so many Easter Eggs that you have become very big and fat and huge!
Ew! Now I'm feeling sick! And it's not just the whole bee poo thing. Turnips are gross!
Hey, you'd better check the Guinness Book of Records to see if it's the biggest in the world. And it won't be long till the press come round to see it. It'll be all over the news; you'll be a celebrity! Oh, wait a second...you already are!
I'm not actually standing next to it, the turnip is actually about a mile away!!!
not really.
Oh... :O
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