Me and the gang put in an appearance in this week's Beano, and boy what a cracker of a story it is. We had such a laugh playing in all that snow, what with all that sledging and snowball fights, cor my sides were aching with laughter for hours when we finished.
Poor Lenny though, he had such a terrible cold afterwards! Cor he was in a right state, bogies and tissues everywhere. I reckon it might have something to do with a big snowball I rubbed in his face when he wasn't looking, but I'm not sure. He weren't too happy about it though, I can tell you.
12.39a.m.? Naughty Derek staying up so late!
Still, well done learning to type so well.
Thanks Dave!
what did Farmer Jack say when he got back (or is that unprintable?)
did you blame the pigs for the damage?
Put it this way, cross-country running 20 miles at 5 o'clock in the morning is a new regular feature in our lives. He weren't best pleased, to put it politely.
And do you see any pigs or cows cross-country running?
Not on your Nelly! How they always get away with it is beyond me.
Say if I were to go into W.H.Smiths today, would I find in that same shop a copy of the Beano featuring the adventures of you own esteemed self?
Absolutely Mr.Jampot. It's the one with a packet of Incredibles stickers on the front. Hurry up though, they've nearly all sold out!
Well they have round here.
Well, I managed to find a copy today in my local newsagents today - awesome story, strange to see it alongside the like of Dennis and co. It was great to read the Beano again after 7 years or so - although it's not as wallet-friendly as before!
Thanks Mr.Pot. Sorry it took up most of your pocket money, but 75p ain't that much really. And if you're only buying it once a month to read my stories, it only works out at 2p a day, or thereabouts.
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