Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Blimey eck.

Did you see this week's Derek's Corner in the Beano? I've pretty much taken over the letters page with lovely drawings of me. Didn't that cake look brilliant too?
The Beano ed has been telling me for a few weeks now how brilliant I am and how popular I'm getting with the readers. He's also been nagging me to go on more crazy adventures more frequently to quell the demand, as once a month just ain't enough for my loyal fans! In fact, if I don't pull my finger out, he's likely to come round and zap me with a cattle-prod to spur me into action.
So keep an eye out in the New Year sometime for a big mad serialised adventure which will blow the rest of the comic away!!
Trust me; it'll be nuttier than a bag full of nut flavoured monkeys, eating er.. nuts. Which in itself is a bit nuts.


Alistu said...

Nut flavoured monkeys?! I wasn't aware monkeys came in different flavours. Do they come in strawberry or mint-choc-chip as well?

Mike Da Hat said...

..madder than a bag of frogs...

Alistu said...

Wow! I've not heard of THAT flavour before!