Sunday, August 31, 2008

Quick!!! Buy the Beano!!!

I'm in it!! I've not been able to find a copy myself, so good luck. Apologies for not telling you sooner :(

Here's a panel to make up for it ....

Hooray!! It's a very silly story (as one would expect).

I'll put up a big post regarding my great new book from Bloomsbury tomorrow too! I hope you're all rushing out and buying it (if not, why not?)


Sunday, August 10, 2008

Shoutbox won't let me shout

For some reason I can't post in the shoutbox :(
So direct any queries to me on my messageboard or in the comments on this blog.


Saturday, August 09, 2008

Disco Fever!

Yup! I'm back in the good ol' Beano again this week! Hooray!
I'm stuck in one of those horrible Discos where no girls will dance with me... I've never understood it. I'm good looking, witty... I might have sheep-breath, but at least it ain't cowpat breath! Kevin Rabbit and Dave Goose are my fellow wall-flowers in a strange tale of haircuts and lettuce leaves.

Here's a lovely clip from the episode!

My book is due soon too, which is mega-exciting!! And the next Beano annual! There'll be Derek stories coming out of your ears if you're not too careful.

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Meet the Author!

Howdy! Things are hotting up in Derek the Sheep land (where I live)! Gary Northfield, the chap who signs his name at the end of my strips, will be appearing at Newport Central Library, Newport, Wales this Thursday, August 7, 2008, between 11am and 12 noon and Malpas Library, Malpas, Wales between 2pm and 3pm. He'll be chatting about me, Derek, my brilliant stories and showing off my great new book out from Bloomsbury! (Which is lovely, I must say. I have an advanced copy and it looks fab!) There will probably be some children's workshop-type of thing involving some cartooning and creating characters, which should be fun.

ALSO - on the 23rd of August, he'll be getting involved in some more chat about me at the Cartoon Museum in London (click the link for "Cartoon classes and Events")
There's a big exhibition of Beano art on there too, so it'll be worth a visit at some point anyway. There's even an example of some lovely Derek artwork too, which makes even more brilliant than ever!