Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Loverly Poems!!!

Thanks to everyone who took the time to write a brilliant poem about me and my pals! You're all such a talented bunch and I'm very grateful for your efforts.

Mrs. Farmer Jack had a good read of the entries and decided on one particular piece of prose that impressed her no end!

And the prize of a signed "Norbert Le mouton" goes to......

Sylvia Cowplath!!!!

And here it is ....

The Ballad of Derek and the Gang

By Ewe 2

Rodney is a great big bully
Probably ‘cos his brain’s so woolly
But when we said ‘just do your worst’
He went and phoned that Damien Hirst.

And spare a thought for Daisy the Ewe,
A departed member of our crew
Daisy braved the fire troll’s bridge -
She’s now kebabs in someone’s fridge

Our barn got washed away last summer;
Farmer Jack was seldom glummer.
But I chummed up with Kevin Carrot.
He’s nice and quiet – not like a parrot.

Flippin’ ‘eck – I left out Lenny –
Who can forget that day when he
And I went sledging on the barn
And so did the entire farm!

We sheep wish that Jack the Farmer
Would treat us more as Samuel Palmer
Did. His sheep can safely munch
While Jack’s preparing us for lunch.

And now we’re going to be in French
And hope that you will soonest wrench
Yourselves from boring, dreary duties
Pour admirer we fleecy beauties!

Sylvia Cowplath

So BIG congratulations to Sylvia!

Mrs Farmer Jack was impressed with Sylvia's dexterous verbal rhymes and in-depth knowledge of my Beano shenanigans!

All other entries will receive a signed picture of me, so everyone's a winner really!

All the best


Monday, January 28, 2008

Update tomorrow!!

Apologies for the quietitude (is that a real word? Sounds great anyway!). Just got back from France and a successful weekend flogging "Norbert" books to a hungry French public!

The poetry winner will be announced tomorrow!! Yippee!!! So exciting!!!

Have you bought last week's Beano? I'm in there! Wrestling ladybirds! Quick buy it before this week's edition turns up!

Is it me, or is there just not enough exclamation marks in this mini-update?!