Wot a cheek! I become the most famous resident on my farm, so other less interesting residents decide they want part of the action.
"Oh if Derek can get in the Beano, and he's such a big idiot, then so can I!". Thus this week's episode starring Rodney the Bull. To be fair, who's going to mess with him? Not me. He's big and smelly and I wouldn't go near him with a barge-pole, whatever that might be. (And he was coloured in white last month, which caused much mirth round 'ere I can tell ya! Hahaha!!)
so, whatever, pree-senting the sad tale of the loser Rodney the Bull, on sale now my beloved Derek fans.
Lovely new site Derek - you are one talented sheep...but where's the ShoutBox gone :(
I put up the old one which can ban dodgy spam.
Actually that had loads of popup ads. Here's a brand new one!!!!
OOOOH have you switched over to the new blogger now Derek?
Yeppy doo-dah! I love it!!
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