It was also just my luck it was pouring down with rain, so I got completely flippin' soaked too. Everybody had a right old laugh of course. The pants were a pair of Farmer Jack's which Nelly Goose pinched off his washing line when he wasn't looking. She couldn't have picked a finer pair.
At least they were clean I suppose!
Everyone was cheering and clapping as I scampered round and I wished the earth could've opened up and swallowed me whole. Even a worm laughed at me and called me "Pants-face" which isn't even remotely funny.
Very fetching Derek, I must say. It really is you.
yes it is funny, actually.
Having been directed here by my luffly friend Molyan, I must say that red is most DEFINITELY your colour.
Red? They look decidedly pink to me. Is there something you're not telling us about Farmer Jack? I think the truth should be told.
Well at least they weren't frilly!
Thanks for dropping by Linoleic Acid. Is that your real name??
Linoleic Acid's real name is Kenzie. They left Blazin' Squad to become a flying carrot.
Linoleic acid: Main Entry: lin·o·le·ic acid
Pronunciation: "li-n&-'lE-ik-, -'lA-
Function: noun
Etymology: Greek linon flax + International Scientific Vocabulary oleic (acid)
: a liquid unsaturated fatty acid C18H32O2 found especially in semidrying oils (as peanut oil) and essential for the nutrition of some animals
My parents were peanuts.
Yeah, and mine.
Well they were definitely nuts. My dad was the first sheep in space so my mum says, and my mum used to read people's tea leaves. Or was that my nan?
Your mum used to read your nan? Just messin' with ya.
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