As you are by now no doubt aware, probably my greatest story so far appears in this week's Beano. Cecil the Bee gets on my nerves (as usual!) and if that ain't bad enough, his stupid cousin George gets in on the act too. And all the while I'm trying to get ready to win a fantastic trophy.
You'll have to buy a copy to find out what I'm rabbiting on about.
Don't be so mean to Cecil! It's not his fault he has the mental age of a two year old. Shame on you Derek, Alistu.
I agree with Anonymous. Cecil the Bee is innocent.
What? Don't you think bees are annoying? They get right on my nerves.
Cecil's alright I suppose, I just wish he weren't so happy all the time. It just ain't right.
Normally I HATe bees, but I'm rather fond of Cecil...
hi readers. i think that the story was great . even though i got it on the 23rd january .it's brilliant. i like the 2 bees and derek the best. i think u shoud have a story were derek meets new sheep when he moves to another feild with cows and steps in cowpat when all the cows and sheep are watching him eat grass.
i agree with derek cecil is so anoying and i think that barrychicken with the simple, yet stylish bob should have won the comp but i just hate cecil please can u have someone in one of your storys called alice? and an anoying bee or sheep called emily? pleaseeeeeeeee
You know, I'm sure there was a mad looking chicken called Alice and a duck called Emily. If I find a picture of them, I'll post 'em to the Diary.
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